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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Life as of lately

Life as of Lately has been busy busy busy. Last weekend and into the beginning of this past week I spent packing up my house and moving stuff into storage and my moms house. All while going to work during the day then moving/cleaning out the other house after that until about 9-10 every night. I am so thankful that I had my brother,sister and her boyfriend help with their trailer to haul away the big furniture pieces. It was sad and bittersweet packing up that little house. But I know it is for the best even if I could of bought that house I don't think it would be the right fit for me,mainly because of that darn light rail being built that would just ruin it for me. So last Wednesday after I picked up Autumn from school we headed over to the house one last time Autumn said she wanted to say goodbye and I had left my curtains hanging up and I wanted to put out the trash that I had. So I snapped a few photos of it all empty.

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Goodbye little blue house it was a lovely two years living there. I will miss all the girls pizza and movie nights, Or Grey's nights with friends while we drink to much whiskey. Tomorrow I will hand over my keys back to my landlord and say my last good bye.


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