I Just love my hometown. Got this cute little pop up card at tender loving empire the other day.
Every time I go into the sellwood neighborhood which is where my favorite antique mall is I just want to move there.I almost did move there but the house I wanted the lady ended up deciding to not rent it out. But I am only 1 mile from sellwood so it's just a hop skip and a jump to get over there.
My street is kind of pretty :)
Miss autumn likes to leave toys and stuffed animals all over my house.
I knew Portland had a lot of food carts but I didn't know how many and so many that we need a book on it.
Today I also went to the book store to get some books that I've heard good things about and I wanted to get back into reading again. I used to read a book every few weeks sometimes once a week.
Also last Friday I was in Seattle for the pickwick show I had never seen them live before but have heard really good things. So I was really excited to dance my butt off during their show. Their music just makes you want to dance I have no moves whatsoever but at their shows you don't care if your dancing like a idiot because everyone is dancing. And you just cant help it. I thought I would share some videos from the night. I think I spotted my hand once in this video I was right in the front right by Galen (Lead singer of pickwick)
Turn the light out ( Concours d'Elegance cover)
Gimmie some lovin cover
Window sill
Are you dancing yet? I know I am just listening to them while writing this. There was also a tom petty cover band the american girls who opened who were really good. Danced and sang along to some of my favorites american girl, brake down and don't come around here no more. Anywhoo that was my day and a little good music for you to check out you can also go to pickwick's band camp to buy their music. DO IT just do it!
great finds! i love thrifting days like that when the whole day just goes perfectly!
@ CB Me to I haven't had those lately so it was nice to know I haven't lost my touch :)