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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Crystal mountain

Well hello there I am back from my little family reunion in the mountains. It was gorgeous I can't begin to do it justice. The views were just breathtaking. I love any chance to be in the mountains. I haven't been to Crystal mountain in about ten years we seem to do these things every ten years. But I feel like that's just to long of a time in between I think five would be better. It takes a lot to get 60+ people together. When everyone lives anywhere from Georgia to Hawaii and have families. But we made it happen and it was a lot of fun. We left Friday afternoon (supposed to be morning but my family sometimes moves like slugs)


We rented a car for the weekend cause my mom didn't want to take her car up with the problems she has been having. I like to have my space so I chose the way back seat ( Bad idea) the windows were super tiny I tried sleeping to feel better anyway but ended up getting really car sick on a 4 hour drive that turned into 5 because we got a little lost. getting up to the mountain with no signal to get directions.

We did get there and dinner was being served and we all settled in and talked and got caught up with family we haven't seen in years.

We all had name tags saying who's we were. I didn't stay up to late that night I was not feeling good. So I headed to bed early so I could be ready to be out and about the next day. I woke up feeling a little sore from the bunk beds we were sleeping in but not feeling sick, So we headed down to the cafeteria for a yummy pancake breakfast.

That day my mom woke up sick ( I was super bummed by this) We had been planning and so excited for this vacation and she got sick. So she was in bed the rest of the trip :(. So me and my brother decided to not let this get us down and walked the mile or so to the lodge and gondola to ride to the top of the mountain and eat lunch. It was a great afternoon and had some bonding time with my little brother, which we don't seem to get often.



The views from the top were just gorgeous. We then headed into the restaurant, I had never ate at a restaurant on top of a mountain before and boy was it amazing the food was delish. I had the smoked salmon caesar salad and a diet coke. I had been so good with no pop, and I was on vacation so I allowed myself one pop for the weekend.


After that we took the Gondola back down and walked back to the lodge. Later that night we watched old home movies which I love watching these I could watch them over and over. I was drooling over the 50's and 60's cars and the clothes oh my I was so jealous they got to live in these times. They told stories from back in the day over birthday cake and cupcakes for some of the family members one was turning 20 ( I'd never seen him before but I guess he was related somehow) my great aunt was turning 60 (she looked about 50) She works up at crystal mountain lodge, My great uncle was turning 90 it was a fun night and I had the yummiest chocolate cupcake.

It was a great weekend I hope we can make these happen more often and not ten years because in ten years I will be 35 and autumn will be 12 and that freaks me out big time. The last morning there my mom made it out of bed she was determined to go on the gondola since we don't get up here a lot. But she soon got sick again and we left early so we could get her home and in bed. As soon as we got home we hustled it over to my grandpas house for my brother,cousins birthday dinner and my cousins good bye dinner he left for Iraq yesterday and will be there for 6 months then will be headed to Afghanistan for 6 months as well so im keeping good thoughts that he will be safe and return to us safe.

We will see you soon Trevor we love you.

After my family dinner I headed to my house to pick up my friend we were going to watch true blood while enjoying tasty treats from pix patisserie.
And I finally got my macaroons I was so happy. And all I have to say is " Oh. my. god. macaroons where have you been all my life. I wish they weren't so high in the calorie count. But I had been good all day so I used to calories up on these beauties and it was worth it. I still have a few left over cause I went a little crazy and just got a box full of them. Its kind of dangerous that its only 5 mins from my house. So next time I want a macaroon I think i"ll walk.


Speaking of working out and calories I've been so addicted to working out. I've gone everyday except for when I was on vacation and there were walks involved so I was still being good. I've been using the my fitness pal app on my iphone and I've lost a total of 8 lbs so far the last time I checked. I figure weighing and measuring every two weeks because once a week seems to be to often. I am still dreading the plateau where I feel like I cant do this. But so far I am feeling like this time is finally different. I keep visioning the me I've been all a long and just had trouble getting her out. Well I am off to finish these dishes I have let go to long without doing, man I wish I had a dishwasher. Then head off to the gym to get my work out on.


Friday, June 24, 2011

Vacation time.


I am off my little cold and all to relax in the fresh mountain air of crystal mountain for the next few days. I will be back with tons of pictures. I plan on hiking a lot and enjoying the good old outdoors. Maybe the mountain air will help with my head cold. I know I cant miss this vacation I've been so excited for it. I hope you all have fantastic weekends.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Thrifty Thursday.

(this is so true)

This week I did not get to do any thrifting as I've been a bit under the weather I slept most of today and some of yesterday. When I thought that going the gym would make my cold better was very very wrong. So here I am attempting to rest but I just hate being stuck in bed sometimes. But that's all my body can do I did manage going to the store for some medicine and tea. Boy that felt like the longest trip when in reality its not far from my house. So this weeks thrifty thursday is things about thirfting I love.
I've seen this sign a lot on different sites I wonder where this thrift shop is it looks so cute.

Id love to find a cute old pink telephone for display somewhere in my home.

These chairs are just gorgeous. I have some very similar to these and have been wanting to reupholster them just haven't found that "Perfect" fabric yet.

I love this candelabra.

id just die if I found a old typewriter in teal.

I really want this adorable teal kitchen aide blender.

Thats this weeks thrifty thursday I am off to pack for our family reunion this weekend to Crystal Mountain. And get to bed early so I can hopefully feel 100% tomorrow for the 4 hour drive up there. I need to create a playlist for my ipod as well if anyone has some good music suggestions for long car trips Id love to hear some new tunes.


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Oh so excited: for a family reunion

For this weekend to get here, I am going to a family reunion with my moms side of the family. The last time EVERYONE got together was ten years ago. We always go to the same place Crystal mountain lodge in Washington. Its right by Mount Rainier and its absolutely gorgeous up there. To just be surrounded by trees and nature ah I'm getting all excited just thinking about it. I got a email from my great uncle saying that there will be a keg and lots of wine haha I love my family. I will have my camera on me at all times to capture it all. There will also be lots of hiking this weekend there are tons and tons of trails I cannot wait. I wanted to share some pictures from their site so you can get a feel for the beauty.

Gorgeous right?

There is even horse back riding. Id love to go but had a incident when I was little on my first horse back riding experience I fell off the house and never wanted to do it again after that. But then again I was like 10. So maybe I'll give it another go.



I can't wait to take everything in and spend time with family all weekend. I just hope I can beat this cold, it seems anytime miss autumn is sick days later I am to. My whole head feels all cloudy and stuffed up so I've been drinking TONS of water and tea I slept a good ten hours last night. I was debating on if I should even work out today or rest it off. But to be honest I don't want to sit in bed or on the couch all day. Im kind of addicted to working out after joining the gym.


Last night I was actually like "How many hours till the gym opens? I want to work out" This is new for me haha Im pretty excited. Yesterday I was on the treadmill I had my headphones on and I saw on the tv that blaine from Glee was going to be on Regis and Kelly I guess I happened to say "Oh Yay" out loud cause the lady next to me said she was a fan as well, Haha awkward. Im a new fan of glee I was bored one night and thought id give it a try I watched the valentines day episode first and I was hooked after that. Are you a fan of the show? if so who's your favorite character? If you haven't seen it this is probably why I got hooked. Isn't he just to cute?

Also my little yard has become quite the jungle
This was from a little over a week ago.
And taken yesterday the poppy's are INSANE I love them. But four huge bushes of them I think are a bit much and everything is just blooming like crazy the grass is growing faster then I can keep up with. It seems like there are more weeds then grass. And all I have is a push mower but when you have SO many weeds its a pain in the ass. Taking care of a yard is a lot harder then I thought and very overwhelming. I've also descovered I have quite a lot that I didn't know I had like

- 2 apple trees
- a pear tree
-hazelnut tree
-another tree my uncle said I had that I can't remember the name of.
- lilacs's (which sadly I have discovered those were the flowers making my allergies go CRAZY. Sad because they are so pretty)
I also have tulips and some rose bushes as well and some other flowers me or my grandma couldn't identify. And that is just the back yard. Yeah so there is A LOT going on back there haha. Well I am off to the gym in hopes working out helps this little cold of mine.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Just another manic monday

Hello all, how was your weekend? Do anything fun ? My weekend was good I spent it with friends and family. Yesterday I joined a gym. I had been thinking about it the past week, doing my work outs at home just weren't motivating me anymore and I was slacking in the work out department but doing good eating. So I knew I needed to step up my game. I wasn't sure where to join the one closest to me I hate the environment wasn't great, the employees were rude. I used to go there with my dad and I guess to I couldn't get over that fact. Then there was 24 hour fitness and everyone I went to school with and their moms went there so I did not want to go there. When I work out I want to be left alone in my zone not worrying who I would run into. So there was one gym left Eastside athletic club which my mom goes to I used to go there with her when she would get me free passes. My sister also had dance classes there back in the day. I always felt comfortable there mainly cause a lot of older people work out there. And I guess I like that because then I can be left alone and I don't know I just enjoy that place. And knowing id have to get dressed and drive there is motivating since I have already driven there I might as well work out right? I thought it sounded good so now I have myself a gym membership and it feels good to have treadmills and elliptical again.


They have classes, Im bummed they don't have hot yoga but gyms don't you have to go to a separate studio for that anyway. Besides hot yoga is a bit $$ So those classes willhave to be every once and a while unless I find a good deal. Anywhoo miss autumn started her first swim class yesterday she looked so stinking cute.
I can't believe how fast she is growing and talking it blows my mind. She's going to help me with a fun DIY I have coming up for later this week I can't wait to share it. It will evolve lots of doilies. So look forward to that.


Saturday, June 18, 2011

A little pampering always does a girl good.

Hello lovelies it's late over here but I cannot sleep. I have miss autumn over night tonight and she's got a cold so she's all stuffed up and snoring so I decided to blog maybe watch a little tv till I am tired enough to not let the snoring keep me up. Poor little munchkin she looks so miserable and is burning up. And most likely I will get sick I haven't been sick until I started watching her since I am constantly around her I seem to catch whatever she has :(. In other news today was a nice lazy Saturday it rained all day.
I spent it getting my morning coffee and sketching out some things and making list lots of list. All while listening to some good tunes Im really into Jared Mees and the grown children right now. Their album is on repeat everyday.

I don't get this weather Oregon its the middle of June and it's raining where is summer? Although Im not going to lie I am excited for fall and winter again. I love all the layering, boots and scarfs. And this will be my first fall in my new house so Im super stoked. I did get my hair did today I always think oh these roots are bad but I could go longer, then I found out I have two family trips in the next two weekends waiting two weeks seemed to long for me so I got myself in and oof every time after my hair has been dyed Im like "Whoa maybe those roots were worse then I had thought"

This time I decided to go a little more red although photobooth doesn't quite capture it.

Also a pretty little something came today and I am in love.


It is absolutely beautiful If you have not checked out Moorea Seal I highly suggest it. blog & etsy

Her stuff is just gorgeous. I want so many things she is truly talented. As I finish this post up I am actually getting quite sleepy I think I will try to get some rest so I can be up bright and early in case munchkin gets up early. I hope you all had a good Saturday and a great weekend.

Also I don't know why it took me so long to purchase a pair of Toms it's like walking on a cloud of something. Usually after walking in my slip on shoes my feet are dead by mid day. But not in these babies my feet never got sore or tired once. So worth they are fantastic.
