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Friday, November 19, 2010

It's about time.

Most of my friends and family have been hearing me say "Gosh I wish I could pull off being a red head" Last week I just was like I need a change a BIG change. A new year is coming upon us and I wanted to start fresh. I LOVE LOVE it I don't know why it took me so long.

Oh how I wish I could have my hair washed like you get washed in the salon I love it. You can even have wine,tea,water,beer while you get your hair done its fabulous. I treated my hair (after all the bleaching i've done to it. it deserved it) And it smells amazing.

I highly suggest if you live in the Portland area checking out Tiffany Meyers over at Friends salon and spa in Happy valley, OR


Today a lovely package showed up at my door.

Isn't she lovely? I don't know why they couldn't just mail the film & camera together the box was big enough for both. I really wanted to take it on my mini road trip tomorrow it will probably arrive a hour or two after I leave. ohh poop on a cracker.

Man on man I am pooped out after today I hope everyone had a lovely Friday.


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