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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Happy birthday little munchkin.

Happy birthday little Autumn. I can't believe you've grown up so fast, time really does fly by. I am so glad I get to be a auntie to the smartest and most beautiful girl. And watch you grow up. I love you so so much little munchkin.
happybirthday happybirthday happybirthday
This morning when I got to my sisters house she had decorated autumns room with a giant number 4 made from tissue paper and hangers. Along with her favorite flowers and a little note. It was the cutest and she was so excited to be turing four. Tonight we will celebrate as a family at my sisters house with autumns choice of dinner mac n cheese and chicken nuggets it will be a fun night indeed.

Monday, January 28, 2013

365 photo challenge

tea time.
My favorite stack of coffee table books.
The most amazing chocolate. This tasted like a girl scout samoa cookie SO GOOD!.
Foggy farm days.
Getting ready for the day.
Autumn and her pup.
THIS SOAP is UH MAZING and so are all of their products.
Autumn helping Grandma vacuum the stairs.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

90 day body revolution.

One of my new years resolutions is to start and finish Jillian Michaels 90 day body revolution. As I was tossing and turning the other night I saw Jillian's infomercial come on for this dvd that I already own and have started and lasted about two weeks I saw results but after not doing it for a few days I quickly fell out of my work out routine. But lately my clothes haven't been fitting how I like so that doesn't leave much to work with every day and it gets so frustrating. So I am starting over back at square one.
The way her program works is it's three phases each phase lasting one month. You get four workouts and 1 cardio work out. Where you alternate those four work outs for that month and for extra credit and extra calorie burn you can do the cardio work out. Each work out is 30 minutes and I think everyone can carve 30 minutes out of their busy days. You may have to get up a little early or after work I think if you want it enough you will find time and make the time for you. And i've decided I need to make that time for me I need to do this for me to feel better and healthier. I will be posting my progress along the way, today's first work out went good it was tough but I felt amazing after. I can't wait to see where I am at at day 90.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

365 photo challenge.

So this whole 365 photo challenge is a little harder then I had anticipated. I take pictures every day using my phone and post to instagram. So taking a picture a day with my real camera should be easy. I think part of it is I hate carrying it around those things are so darn heavy. But I will finish this challenge I am determined.
Whiskey Gingers are my favorite.
Some days I just feel like the biggest coffee in the world.
I told her to give me her best model pose. This is what I got, oh so serious.
Some of my growing vintage cup collection.
Vintage matchbox holder, holding up some dried lavender.
Packing up my studio while listening to Taylor swift on repeat.
Packing up my ever growing pyrex collection.
I sure to love the sunlight in that house.
I really had the best bathroom.
One of my favorite aprons.
We've been having a lot of frosty mornings lately.
Very slowly unpacking and putting together my new room.
Re arranging little areas in my moms house with some of my trinkets.
forsale 18/365
These past few days have been oh so chilly.
Saturday morning's are meant for relaxing catching up on blogs and drinking lots of coffee.

Life as of lately

Life as of Lately has been busy busy busy. Last weekend and into the beginning of this past week I spent packing up my house and moving stuff into storage and my moms house. All while going to work during the day then moving/cleaning out the other house after that until about 9-10 every night. I am so thankful that I had my brother,sister and her boyfriend help with their trailer to haul away the big furniture pieces. It was sad and bittersweet packing up that little house. But I know it is for the best even if I could of bought that house I don't think it would be the right fit for me,mainly because of that darn light rail being built that would just ruin it for me. So last Wednesday after I picked up Autumn from school we headed over to the house one last time Autumn said she wanted to say goodbye and I had left my curtains hanging up and I wanted to put out the trash that I had. So I snapped a few photos of it all empty.

lifelately lifelately lifelately lifelately lifelately lifelately lifelately lifelately lifelately lifelately lifelately lifelately lifelately lifelately

Goodbye little blue house it was a lovely two years living there. I will miss all the girls pizza and movie nights, Or Grey's nights with friends while we drink to much whiskey. Tomorrow I will hand over my keys back to my landlord and say my last good bye.


Monday, January 7, 2013

Here's to a new year.

image source

2013 will be about.


Taking care of my self

Saving my pennies and paychecks for the next year or two to buy my own place to call my own.

Letting go of the people who aren't good for me. Those people that just seem to take all your energy and only seem to be happy when your down but when your happy and doing well it's not good for them. A true friend would want to let you shine at your full potential. I want to keep the friends I have going and getting stronger, I've made some new friends and that's always exciting.

Take up film photography again. I used to love pulling out my film camera but I have about 8-10 rolls undeveloped and I think that stopped me from buying more.

FINALLY visit New York. My mom is going in June for work so I am tagging along but she will be busying working for most of the day so venturing out and about alone is pretty terrifying.

Finish Jillian Michael's 90 day body revolution. I spent way to much money on this work out set and told myself I would do it. Id go at it for about two weeks then stop. I WILL FINISH IT.

Finish the couch to 5K program. Again I'd do it for about a week and be so sore Id take a day or two off then three and four and well you can guess the rest.

I say this every year but I feel like 2013 is going to be a life changing challenging year.


Friday, January 4, 2013

A photo challenge.

After reading Elsie's post on a 365 photo challenge at home. I thought well that sounds fun. But I didn't wanted to be limited to just home so, it can be of anything. And I wanted to find a fun challenge to do in the new year besides a mile a day or something like that. Which I am doing as well but we will talk about that in another blog post. I'd like to make this a new feature for the new year. I'll post my photo a day once a week so I don't post just one picture a day on here. I should probably start up my flickr again to which means I'll have to start my pro account up again as well.

First one is of a yummy morning cup of joe.
A self portrait. I just love the natural light in my bedroom.
Of course there has to be a picture of Miss Daisy.
A yummy lavender candle I made. 365daychallenge

This should be a fun challenge I am excited it will force me to take my camera with me every day. No Iphone photos allowed in this! If your doing something like this I would love to check them out so post a link so I can follow along.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Sometimes you have to go backwards to go forwards.


So a few months ago my landlord told me that she would be putting her house up for sale at the beginning of the year. To be honest it bummed me out, well it still does. I love this little house it was the first place I lived in by myself without room mates, there are a lot of great memories here. After much craigslist searching, I found it is a lot harder to find a place that accepts dogs of Daisy's size. So I gave the craigslist search a rest until my birthday came around my twenty sixth kind of hit me harder then last years. You know what am I doing with my life? etc etc. And well I am not getting any younger I know I know I am still in my mid twenties. But before I know it I will be thirty and I am wanting to settle down and have something of my own, No more wasting money on rent (it's sickening thinking of how much a years worth of rent is). My mom and step dad had come up with the idea of moving back in for a year or two ( I am hoping for one year, sorry mom I love you but I like my space.) to save for my first place. Boy that sounds so grown up of me but it makes sense I really hate the idea of renting now. I mean all those months of rent I could be saving for a place of my own and renting anywhere it would takes years and years to have enough to put a down payment on anything. I still hate the idea of being twenty six and moving back home I feel like I am going backwards instead of forward but it's the smart thing to do and I am so so thankful that I have a place I can do it. It will be hard leaving this little dream home with the tree lined streets that look gorgeous all year round, or the claw foot tub I've had a million bubble baths in, the original glass knobs on all the doors. I did get asked if I wanted to buy it, I thought about it A LOT. But I just don't have anywhere near the amount to buy a home. As much as I want to I love this house but sadly they will be putting in a light rail right in my backyard. It makes me sad looking at them take down all these businesses and all the homes that will have that in their backyards. It wont be a quiet little neighborhood anymore I couldn't live with that in my backyard. I believe everything happens for a reason and hopefully in a year or two from now I will have found that perfect little home for me and Daisy. It will be a long year that's for sure. So twelve days from now I will hand over my keys and leave that house for good. I should probably start packing though I accumulated A LOT of stuff in two years I went from living in a room with room mates, back to my moms and then to a two bedroom house that I furnished while living there. So I will be donating a ton of stuff as well as storing there are some things I just cannot part with my pyrex collection no sir that is staying I might part with a few though. To new beginnings and a new year.