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Friday, March 23, 2012

A little freshening up

Happy Friday!

Things are looking a little different here on the blog thanks to a blog make over by Kara
I think she did an amazing job and I couldn't be happier with it!

Yesterday was also a happy mail day.


I wasn't expecting these till Saturday so I was so excited to see them on my front porch.
I got a pretty yellow floral scarf and the ice cream sundea jumper from Red velvet's spring line

I was so excited I wore my yellow scarf all day yesterday.


And I will probably wear it today to, I am loving yellow lately. Also it's sunny today this makes me so happy the other morning we had snow the next few days will be full of sun. I am even going to a BBQ tonight ok it's not THAT warm but were cooking on the bbq and eating inside. But still pretty excited non the less.

Also can it be next Wednesday yet? Because come Wednesday morning I will be off to olympic national park to stay at this pretty lodge on the lake and spend my days hiking with girlfriends then relaxing with wine and whatever fun stuff we can come up with. I just cannot wait I am so so excited.



I hope you all have a fantastic weekend I know I will.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Nutella swirled peanut butter cookies.

So today I was craving peanut butter cookies and while getting out the essentials for the cookies I saw nutella and thought to myself why not put nutella in them right? So I googled trying to find a recipe and I found the yummiest cookies on this earth. I didn't take proper pictures of these cookies cause it was on a wim and didn't know how they would turn out.

I used this recipe.


They are so so good. Combining these two things is glorious and the best idea ever. And to make things better I made the best sweet potato fries. I've just recently tried sweet potatoes not to long ago and they were heaven I fell in love. So today I decided I would try my hand at making my own.


All I did was clean and cut the potato into strips, then I put them in a bowl and tossed with some S&P, garlic salt, olive oil and a dash of paprika for a little spice. Cook for 15-20 mins and there you have it the yummiest sweet potato french fries. You'll be addicted in no time.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

House tour: living room

On today's tour I bring you my living room. Some of my favorite finds are in this room. At first this room was a little on the cluttered side and I had nowhere to store my dvd player, cable box, dvd's etc. I noticed that a lot of the 1920's home had built in's next the fire place and I was so hoping for that but this house did not have that and it was ok I would just have to search for the perfect piece for storage. I remember spending weekends at my favorite antique mall monticello with my mom. Finally one magical sunday afternoon my mom, step dad and my self stumbled across exactly what I had been looking for and it already had the holes in the back drilled for all that equipment. Anyway thats all boring mumbo jumbo lets just get to the pictures shall we.

Haha I found these two pictures of the day I moved in my living room was quite the disaster zone.

The first things I unpacked my first night in was my bed and set up my dvd player for some How I met your mother. My living room looks a lot cleaner now.




I love these chairs. They were left at the house my mom and step dad bought and they were given to me. I am not entirely in love with the print, One day they will get a make over.


I am in love with the white brick. I still would of loved it if it was the original brick but I think the white just flows so much more with the rest of the house.








Well that completes my little living room. Next and last up on the tour is my studio. Right now its still a hot mess so hopefully I will get that up this week. It will give me that push to clean and organize it. Cause its pretty bad right now I have been leaving the door shut so I can just imagine that it;s all clean :)

Have a wonderful day.


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Weekend recap.

Hello how was your weekend? good I hope. Mine was fantastic, Friday started off with picking miss munchkin up from school and we did some grocery shopping and playing in the surprise sunshine we got. This Portland weather lately is beyond bi polar, We have had rain for weeks it seems then one day it will snow, go back to rain maybe you'll get a sunny day. But the next week is all rain.... I don't mind it but Im itching for spring weather so bad.
myweekend Sunroofs are fun. She loves to stand and stick her head out and say hi to everyone that walks by its pretty adorable.

My favorite pizza from the freezer aisle with peach flavored beer is such a great combo.

The sleep over was taken to a whole new level with bringing her bed over to my house. She said how she needs her own bed at my house. So my sister suggested loading her mattress into my car and well autumn was so happy she jumped and jumped her little heart out then passed out for the night until around 3 am she asked if she could get into my bed, I just can't turn down autumn snuggles.

Before this picture was taken a major meltdown had happened because I didn't have any dresses at my house for her to wear. She told me " We need go buy some so I wear dem everyday", Oh bless her little heart. But she did find the dress I had bought for a friend having a baby and asked to wear it, I didn't think it would fit because it was 18 months I couldn't say no but that little munchkin is so tiny of course it fit. And she was so happy to finally have a dress on.

It was a great weekend. We also took the munchkin to see the lorax this weekend as well she really loves the movies she gets so excited for the big screen and the popcorn of course its the first thing she asks for when we get there. I love her little laughs through out the movie. I asked her what her favorite part of the movie her response " When the war-ax (lorax) said is dat a woman" lolz gotta love the things she says. I hope you all had a relaxing weekend, tomorrow I will finish up the house tour with the living room, Until then.


Friday, March 16, 2012

House tour: My kitchen

Hello and happy friday everyone! I hope the beginning of your weekend is starting off fantastic. Mine's going pretty great so far, I am just sitting here sipping on some yummy coffee that I just brewed. I heart cafe vita their rose city blend is so so delicious I can't get enough of it I drank a whole pot the other day safe to say I was wired all day. So today's part of the house tour is all about the kitchen. Like I said in my last post the kitchen hasn't gotten quite caught back up with the rest of the 1920's kitchen, it's still stuck back in the 80's previous owners thought they would buy a period home and remodel (Bad bad bad idea) did I mention that was a bad idea. Noting against the 80's I love my 80's music and movies like no other. But this home is just stunning and full of 20's charm why go and ruin it, Go buy a non period home and do that if thats what you had planned. My land lord has gotten everything else back to its original look, she has plans to fix the kitchen one day.It has such potential. I wish that when you buy a historic home there should be pictures of the home when it was built. I would love to see what it looked like back in the day. Well I suppose I should get along with the pictures now huh? alright alright I bring you my kitchen.

What can I say I love my hometown :)

Just a little bit of my pyrex love. There's more trust me :)




Well folks there you have it my kitchen. I hope your enjoying the tour so far, I Have two rooms left the living room and my studio. I will see you tomorrow and I hope you have a fabulous day it's actually wait for it sunny outside right now cold but its not gloomy and cold. Hooray! also I may have just had almost a full pot of coffee watch out today here I come.
