* Warning: PHOTO HEAVY*
Last Friday night myself,
Tami. , And charlotte attended Katy Perry's California Dreams tour. I am still boggled at how great the show was, so I'll start from the beginning. Tami came over to my house so we could put our faces and wig on

before heading over to Charlotte's house since she lived by the venue. We blasted the teenage album the whole drive over with our windows down. Boy the looks you get when stopping at a red light with "Let me see your peacock" blaring out the windows with a couple of girls in wigs and gallons of make up on. After we arrived at the house we applied more glitter and glitter nail polish ( You can never have enough glitter) I even made some DIY purple glitter shoes. I am so glad they dried in time I was really nervous they wouldn't they really completed the outfit.

But before we headed out to the show we needed to take photos of our outfits of course.

Boy oh boy did we get looks on the max nobody knew there was a show going on so when we informed them it was for Katy Perry they said "ohhh". We got to the venue way early to get some drinks and we heard they were giving away stuff we were hoping of getting backstage, failed but got noticed by katy so that was amazing. There will be next tour though we are pretty determined. While we were wondering around outside and around the venue. It seemed that Portland didn't dress up at all, we saw a hand full of some people that went all out but all in all Portland didn't put in effort into looking crazy amazing. I mean how often do you get a chance to wear crazy colored wigs and fun outfits (well besides on halloween). So with that said we kept getting our pictures taken by radio stations and random strangers came up to us asking to get their pictures taken with us. And Im not going to lie it was kind of exciting.

Then it was time to head in for the show. We immediately starting freaking out and dancing. Alright beware here come A LOT of photos. Also sorry for the blurryness of some of the photos. I was using my sisters camera for the first time and dancing/ jumping = blurry photos.
She started out with teenage dream

Waking up and vegas with her "slut machine" as she called it.
Hot n cold ( where she had at least 10 outfit changes. I did not capture them all.)

I kissed a girl. Also a guy at the show dressed as Russell and she brought him on stage and he proceeded to take his shirt off for katy.

It's not like the movies & Katy karaoke where she sang covers of Only Girl in the World/Whip my Hair Back & Forth/Friday & Thinking of you

I cant really remember what song she performed in this outfit.

ur so gay/ peacock

Who am I living for, circle the drain and ET

Last friday night
Kitty purry and kathy beth terry made an appearance ( the look a like looked a lot like her to)

Firework and California girls.
Now before these songs she was inviting people up on stage so she looked right and me and Tami and said " Would you two girls like to come up on stage and dance with us" We both started screaming and bolted for the stage... Until mr douche bag security guard was like " Uh no" and shaking his head. The other guard seemed ok with us going on stage we kept telling the douche that she just asked us on stage but he seemed to not believe us. We were SO furious we could of been dancing and getting our picture on stage with KATY PERRY. So the other guard told us to go into the pit, so we did we danced,jumped and fist pumped the rest of the show right by the stage. It was still amazing.

We were foamed on by katy then tons and tons of confetti rained on us. It was fantastic!

Post concert waiting for the max to pick us up. Yet again nobody who dressed up were ridding the max with us so covered in sweat,glitter, foam and confetti we boarded the max back to Charlotte's house to relax. At this point my feet were so numb and covered in blisters. I made the mistake to wear new flats to a show. But it was worth it.

We ended the night relaxing on the porch reminiscing about the night. And talked about road tripping a little on the next tour.

What fell out of my dress after the show.

I also came to really love my purple hair, and made me miss having short hair but I must resist because its a pain in the butt to grow it out. Which I am still in the process of growing it out. I also wish I took videos at the show but I did manage to find one online of the opening and teenage dream.
I've always been a huge fan of miss katy perry but after this show I feel like an even bigger fan she puts on such an amazing show. If she's coming to a town near you I highly suggest going to see her you'll have a blast.